God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Another Day Another Pound

I was happy when I stepped on the scale instead of seeing that I had gained like I was expecting the scale told me I had lost a pound. I feel pride every time I see my weight go down whether it is a lot or just a little. Last week was my lazy week, and I was lazy compared to what I wanted to do everyday.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What an eye opener!

So far this week I have been wearing my BodyMedia Fit and it is surprising how many calories I burn when I get off the couch.  I bet that I have not lost any weight because I have eaten out twice this week.  I know that this is not a high number for me, but it is one more than I really wanted.  I guess I will see how it goes tomorrow at weigh in.

My BodyMedia Fit is a great tool. It shows me how many calories I have burned, how much physical activity I have done, steps taken and how much sleep I have gotten. My BodyMedia Fit also lets me put in my goals for each, and I am able to check them through out the day. It will also show you how much calories you have consumed and what your calorie deficit or surplus is but I am adding things "to-do" in baby steps that way nothing gets glossed over that should not have been.  It has been interesting to see the difference between me sitting on the couch and getting up and moving around.  I am going to have to go in and tweak my daily goals. I have found that I have to walk close to 12,000 steps a day to reach my calorie burned goal, instead of the 8,000 steps I have set as my goal for each day. 

Another great thing that the BodyMedia Fit can do is track my workouts.  You can choose a goal for your work out such as calories burned, time, or leave it as an open ended work out.  What ever you would like, and I like choices. I can see how many calories I have burned whether or not I am at the gym. I have found out that the gym equipment shows a lower number.

Today is one of those couch days, it has been cold and dreary.  Now I am able to look at how many calories I have burned today and know that I am either going to have to hit the gym or go for a walk around the neighborhood tonight. It is almost 4pm and I have only burned 1538 calories and my goal is to burn 3179 calories a day.  I will have to hump it to get anywhere close to my goal because I chose to sit around instead of getting out.  I am taking responsibility for my actions, who else would I blame? The weather, a cranky preschooler, a hubby being later than I thought he would? Nah it was all me I know that I am the adult and I make choices some of them good some of them bad. Today I would say that I made a bad decision, but there is always tomorrow : )

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I Want Fast Food!

I have had a really good weekend. The downside to my weekend was that I have been craving fast food, or food that would be incredibly bad for me.  I have no idea why but even when I am not hungry I find myself thinking about fast food.  I have tried at home treats instead like (gasp) microwave movie butter popcorn, to healthier treats like pretzels and string cheese.  I am ready to go on a vegetarian diet for a month to reprogram my body.  I am also thinking about taking Skullcap and Lobelia to see if it is anxiety that has me thinking about fast food.  I get that I am going cold turkey and that it will not be easy but I did not think that it would be this hard either. Now I just hope that anytime I think about falling off the wagon that I remember how hard this has been and not put myself through this again.

On the upside I am still working out and using my gym membership. Now my hubby is not telling me that I should cancel my gym membership.  So there is a always an upside.
Keep on keeping on my diet buddies.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Weigh In Week One!

I was concerned about my first weigh in. I knew that I had not been eating everything off of my meal plan ie the fritos the other night and my daily DPs.  But I have been trying to eat better and drink water, and I have exercised 5 days this week.  So I was just really unsure as to what I would be seeing on the scale tonight. I was very surprised by what I did see. I weigh 132, that is three pounds less than last week! I was very proud of myself, and hope that I continue to do this well (or better).  I believe being honest with myself about what I was feeling the good and the bad helped me.  I held  myself accountable but I did not beat myself up over my mistakes, instead I chose to use them as learning experiences.

Tomorrow is a yearly brunch that my girlfriends have. I am really going to have to watch myself to make sure that I do not go over board on the eating. I can not believe that instead of being an excited to hang out with my girls I am concerned about eating to much and blowing my hard work.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A New Day

I started today as a new day. I had made my meal plans yesterday and knew that I would have to go shopping.  I woke up spent some time with Boo and my hubby.  After a while we got ready to go to the grocery store.  Hubby was shocked at how much fruit and veggies I bought, but hey what is a little bit of shock between us.  I had skipped breakfast in favor of a Dr. Pepper. I know not the best choice but still I am addicted to those 23 flavors.  When we got home I made me a healthy lunch of a salad with all my favorite veggies, green lettuce, tomatoes, celery, avacado, and cucumber. My sandwich was not as inspiring just a turkey with mustard on whole wheat.  After lunch we just lounged around till it was time for me to cook dinner.

 Following my meal plan was not so bad, it took away the guess work as to what to cook but I did get to make the creative decision as to how to cook it.  I found a recipe online for Roast Stick Chicken-Rotisserie Style on allrecipes.com.  Then I used my recipe for glazed steamed baby carrots ( I used a ziplock zip and steam bag to steam the carrots.  Then in the bowl I was going to use for the carrots I melted 1tblsp of margarine and 1tblsp of brown sugar in the microwave. Then stirred it together added the carrots and microwaved for a few seconds stirred it all together and serve.)  Boo loves broccoli (all I do is use a zip and steam bag, and before I cook I shake Lowry's seasoned salt over the top.) So an easy peasy dinner. After dinner instead of going for a walk I went our in the back yard and played around. Then we picked up the yard and got all the toys put up, so that they will not be blown around or muddied by the storm that we have coming through.

When I finally got Boo to sleep I decided to watch the movie that came in the mail today. I had another DP, some fritos and jerky. I think I found the time that I have to watch out for. And I only made it about thirty minutes into the movie before I decide to go for a walk.  I thought this would be a quick walk because I was already starting to yawn, but no I had to go and walk 5 miles.  I kept walking because I did not want to stop.  I did a 5.19 mile walk in 1:28:01. I am proud of that number and can not wait till I can beat that number. It also showed me that if I keep going I might want to start thinking about doing the 10k instead of the 5k in February. But who knows I will not be signing up till Christmas so I will not have to make a decision till then.

Meal Planning

I am the first one to mention lets go out to eat, because fast food tastes so good and I am addicted.  So to tell me that I  should plan my meals for a week is a hard one for me. Not just making sure that I buy everything in one trip like I should but also consulting a calendar to tell me what I should eat instead of listening to that voice inside my head asking what would taste the best right now.  Using the guide lines in the Ultimate Weight Solution I am trying very hard to get my grocery list and my meal plan for the next week down. I am also having to think of how I am going to get a three year old and a man who weighs 120 pounds to eat "diet" food with me.  I had to break it to my hubby I will not be coming home with chips, cookies, or little debbie treats.  He was not thrilled but did point out that he knows where the store is and will get it if he wants.  I know that he is not being mean just honest. He is the only one in the house who eats sweets, but everyone eats the chips and salty snacks that will no longer be offered around here regularly.

So far I have two days planned out and I decided to write a blog post instead of staring at the food lists and slowly driving myself insane. I remember before we had our son I lived by a meal plan, it was how I was able to stretch our dollar. After Boo I have not because our lives got busy. First with having an infant now my husband is a member of a local men's civic club, and I am busy with teaching Boo's class at Church.  The time I do have to spend on meal planning is spent "relaxing" on the couch, playing with the Boo, or planning my next lesson. I have known that I need to get back in the habit to save money and hoping that it will save me some time because I will be able to prep when I have the time instead of waiting till I am tired, grouchy. If I wait till then it becomes a race against the clock to try and finish before Boo starts asking for food, and someone has to leave because we choose to have busy lives.  I know that a routine will help me and this is the first step in a long line of changes.  After all that is what this is about, making changes to my life and life style so that I can improve my life and life style changes. 

I FINISHED! I made my meal plan for the next seven days. I have also completed my shopping list.  I am not sure when the last time I went seven days without a single meal being drive thru or take out.  I knew that this would not be an easy thing to do, but the dread of failing is right there in my face.  If I fail to cook then I will have wasted money on fresh ingredients and it is on paper like it is so final.  Part of me says don't worry just because it is on paper it does not mean anything. The other part of me says it is on paper and everything important is on paper like marriage licenses and bills.  Oh well we will just have to wait and see.

Now it is time to go shopping!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last Meal

One of my favorite meals is the fettuccine alfredo from our local Joe's Pizza Pasta and Subs.  So tonight we went as a family to say goodbye.  I am looking forward to a "new" life, but it is scary to start on any new road. Thoughts keep going through my mind like what if I fail?  What if I get bigger?  I know that both of those are possibilities but instead of dwelling on those for to long I think of climbing through the tunnels of McDonald's with my son, riding bikes by the river, and how much happier we will be spending quality time together that does not revolve around food. 

Tonight after dinner my son and I went for a walk (for me, and a bike ride for Boo).  We did not go as far as we normally would go. Boo would not listen and follow Mom's rules for the road. I also found out that my heart is not into working out after having such a heavy meal.  I am glad that we start eating better tomorrow because my body needs good fuel.  Tomorrow is cleaning out the pantry and buying some good fuel for us. 

Gotta Start Somewhere

I am tired of being overweight and not doing anything about it but complaining and thinking negative thoughts.  So I have decided to turn my life around. To start with I am going to read two books. The first book is The Ultimate Weight Solution The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom, by Dr Phil McGraw (you know TV's Dr. Phil). The second book is Prevention Walk Off Weight. I chose these books because when I lost weight the first time The Ultimate Weight Solution The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom was a huge help till I threw all the rules about eating and exercising out the window when I got pregnant and moved to a rural area. I chose the book by Prevention because Prevention is not about fad dieting but about using "real" exercise and "real" diet to lose weight.  I am not looking for overnight promises, fad diets, or pills to take. I am looking for ways to make good decisions for myself and my family. I want to be a good example to my teenage and preteen nieces, and to my son. 

In addition to using the books I will also be using a few other tools.I am a member of 24 Hour Fitness ( though I obviously have not been going like I should) and own a Body Media Fit Link Arm Band (though I do not wear it every day like I should). I am also a member of mapmywalk.com ( a website that has an app that can track your walks and posts them on facebook or just saves them online for you).  So I should have the tools to get to where I want it is just going to be a matter of using what I have to get where I want.  So journey with me while I try to use these tools and others that I pick up along the way to shed the excess pounds to become the healthier mom that I want for me and my family.