God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What an eye opener!

So far this week I have been wearing my BodyMedia Fit and it is surprising how many calories I burn when I get off the couch.  I bet that I have not lost any weight because I have eaten out twice this week.  I know that this is not a high number for me, but it is one more than I really wanted.  I guess I will see how it goes tomorrow at weigh in.

My BodyMedia Fit is a great tool. It shows me how many calories I have burned, how much physical activity I have done, steps taken and how much sleep I have gotten. My BodyMedia Fit also lets me put in my goals for each, and I am able to check them through out the day. It will also show you how much calories you have consumed and what your calorie deficit or surplus is but I am adding things "to-do" in baby steps that way nothing gets glossed over that should not have been.  It has been interesting to see the difference between me sitting on the couch and getting up and moving around.  I am going to have to go in and tweak my daily goals. I have found that I have to walk close to 12,000 steps a day to reach my calorie burned goal, instead of the 8,000 steps I have set as my goal for each day. 

Another great thing that the BodyMedia Fit can do is track my workouts.  You can choose a goal for your work out such as calories burned, time, or leave it as an open ended work out.  What ever you would like, and I like choices. I can see how many calories I have burned whether or not I am at the gym. I have found out that the gym equipment shows a lower number.

Today is one of those couch days, it has been cold and dreary.  Now I am able to look at how many calories I have burned today and know that I am either going to have to hit the gym or go for a walk around the neighborhood tonight. It is almost 4pm and I have only burned 1538 calories and my goal is to burn 3179 calories a day.  I will have to hump it to get anywhere close to my goal because I chose to sit around instead of getting out.  I am taking responsibility for my actions, who else would I blame? The weather, a cranky preschooler, a hubby being later than I thought he would? Nah it was all me I know that I am the adult and I make choices some of them good some of them bad. Today I would say that I made a bad decision, but there is always tomorrow : )

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